Saturday 14 May 2011

Aw Chin Siong's opinion on Starting Up: A Generation of Zuckerberg Wannabees 112685F

As the countries began to modernise, computers have started to get into the lives of people. I could say that computers have become  part and parcel of or lives that we could not life without it. No one requires the qualification for using the computer:Web technologies users are getting younger, they are not only the tools that militaries used for transmission of information, the tools for the working adults to present and organise their work but also the tools for youngster to socialise and even for settling  their private business.

Youngster nowadays are no longer dreaming for their ambition, they are capable of executing and fufilling their dreams. All they need to do is to dare to dream and dare to do it. This seemed to be a good news to many youngster with high hope and dreams. But this may carries wrong messages like qualification may not be required before working. Another form of negative message may also include education is a waste of time.

In conclusion, with the platform of the web technologies it has drawn youngsters closer to their ambitions. It may be a doubled-edged knife that caused youngster to forgo their foundation-education.


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