Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Han Yi Li 112122L

After reading this article, I find myself  looking at two very different sides of a coin. On one side, we have to growing number of teenagers, young children even, showing up on Newspaper(such as this article) with their latest ingenious ideas/inventions, or children as young as 4 years old, singing in talent shows. This is a good sign, showing more and more youths are becoming passionate to the things that interest them, they are able to use their creative imagination to figure things out or think of inovative ideas like Cyrus Pishevar, a teenager who had created an application for Facebook.
Thanks to technology, it's easier for teens to become Web entrepreneurs these days because writing software is cheaper and simpler, this also encourage more youths to take more risks leading to an all-high number of students dropping out of school to "go after their dreams" and "chase the paper dollar".
  However, reality is much more unforgiving on these entreprenuers should they fail. Without education to fall back on, many might not be able to climb back up. This can also be seen clearly in Singapore. Though their child might show humongous potential in a particular aspect, many parents instead insist on their child to forcus more on their studies as it is the "safer" way to go.
    In conclusion,  I stronger believe that a child should complete his education first and not think of becoming the "Next Big Thing". We are only young once, and we should cherish it. Parents shouldnot be quick to judge and also not be an obstacle the child has to go through, rather they should be supportive and a guide the child can turn to. Most importantly, the final words should go to the child, after he/she has gave the idea some serious thought. Then can the child, and he/she's surrounding people, can have a peace of mind, knowing the child had thought it through carefully.


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