Thursday 19 May 2011

Goh Sing Pei 116290M

The main idea of this article is about Cyrus Pishevar, a 13-year-old resident of Palo Alto, California. He is one of Silicon Valley's second generation of Web innovators. One of those teens who grew up online, watching and feeding the rise of Facebook and other nearby ventures.

[Facebook Chief Executive Officer Mark Zuckerberg didn't drop out of Harvard University until his company was gaining traction, when he was 20. That's a model that young people should heed, Wadhwa said. "If by any chance you happen to achieve the success that Zuckerberg did, then drop out of school," he said. "But don't screw up your education until you've done that."]

I strongly agree with what Wadhwa have said above. Especially, the last sentence where he mentions that young people should not screw up their education until they are really ready.

My opinion on this topic is although teens these days can become web entrepreneurs because writing software is cheaper and simpler. Also, there are a lot of other factors which helped these young people to grow their business online. There is nothing wrong with this but ultimately they should still focus and concentrate on their education. I felt that web entrepreneur such as Peter Thiel should  not be encouraging students to drop out. Plus, these young people got to bear the consequence of their action. For instance, they may not have enough qualification to fall back on should their ventures fail.

In conclusion, I seriously think that pursuing entrepreneurship should not come before an education.

Wednesday 18 May 2011

Siti Norsimah binti Mohamed 116302Y

I am not going to summarize what the article is about. Perhaps, I am just going to give my opinions about the article. (:

Personally, I feel that everyone of us have different views of life and thus each has their own talents and dreams. Here, in my opinion, I think that one who wants to succeed in life must solely depend on what they want for their future, be it to be a nurse, doctor, lecturer or even an entrepreneur. 

Let's put Palo Alto's Cyrus Pishevar aside and see who are the other successful people in life without even going to college. People like Richard Branson who is a school dropped out at the age of 16, Bill Gates and even Henry Ford and many others whom managed to succeed in life without the need of going to college and getting a degree even. 

What I am trying to imply here is that, although education is essential in our life, somehow I feel that we must always think long-term too. Sometimes, education too cannot provide us with promising careers especially when retrenchments occur. Thus, we need another back up plan to support us. What do I mean by having back up plans? BUSINESSES. We need to venture into businesses so to at least if we got retrenched, we can possibly depend on the back up plan - our own business. With the help of our business also, we can at least earn extra income.

Apart from that, I personally think that successful people are those with HUGE dreams. They think BIG and they soar up high to achieve their dreams. But still,  many of us here are taught to study hard always so as to achieve good results and get good careers. But how many of us go to school to learn on how to make money? How to set up business? How to be a successful entrepreneur? 
Maybe schools should start to educate youngsters on these. 

But again, education to me is still important because it too acts as a back up plan for if their business were to fail, at least with the certificate they have, they can get a career too.  At least, attain a diploma. 
And maybe, it will work this way; Work to save money first and once there are enough savings to set up business, then it will be the good timing to do so. 
To sum up, both have their pros and cons.   :D

Perin Tan 112998H

This article is about the new generation of young web entrepreneurs. One great example is Cyrus Pisheva who developed High School Memories after seeing how popular it was for his friends to "tag" photos of one another on the social network at a age of 13. Since young, his life has been surrounded with the internet. His father who is also a web entrepreneur had a great influence in him and aroused his interest of the web. Thus, he was guided along by his father and become what he is today.

But this has also mislead the inmature tennagers to drop out of school and pursue their unrealistic dreams of becoming a web entrepreneur. I strongly agree with the statement: "Pursuing entrepreneurship shouldnt come before an education". It is true that the advances in the web has increased the opportunity of being a web entrepreneur as a career. But teens being young and inmatured  have not thought of the consequences they have to bear. What if they dropped out of school and their persuation of being a web entrepreneur fail? Have they thought about their future? If they fail to achieve their goals, they may have to suffer for the rest of their life as they do not have a proper education scholarship to find a job. 

Thus, I feel that people should have a proper education before pursuing their dreams. Furthermore it is important to be educated in order to be respected even if you are a web entrepreneurship. It is disturbing to see how some webs have grammatical errors and web entrepreneurs having problem in speaking in front of the media.

Siti Nabilah Sulaiman 113684R

This article is about young generation who were able to do entrepreneurship by application programming. Cyrus Pishevar a 13 year old resident of Pola Alto was one of them. Cyrus learned entrepreneurship from his dad that he started to develop a Facebook Application after seeing how popular it was for his friends tagging photos of one another on the social network.

He was a teenager who grew up with the Internet and saw the rapid ascent of other social networking programme. Many other youngsters have chosen to bulid their own apps or start a whole computer programme during their school holidays, as they were already been influenced by their technology workers and the introduction to computers. Being surrounded with technology everyday also makes them gained natural interest in it. At the age of 6, Cyrus already learn how to use computer and giving feedbacks to his dad on apps.

Becoming web entrepreneurs these days are easier as fewer skills are needed but adults need to encourage them to take more risks. However, such efforts have drawn criticism for encouraging students to drop out. Wadhwa said that pursuing entrepreneurship should not coime before an education and make Mark Zuckerberg the Facebook Chief Executive Officer a model for young people should heed.

In conclusion, i think that even though we have a talent for example, knows how to make apps, we still need to master our academic education. It is because, with your talent you cannot go far as the whole perspective will change. The trends will change as days passed by. But with your master in academic, you can go far in life. But still, you can upgrade on your talents and never give up.