Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Murzainy 111815K

Mark Zuckerberg, creator of Facebook. Changer of million of life and put standards for Social Networks. He change the way we connect with one another, how we share our information with one another. Mark has changed the world and also become a role model for others who just really love social networks and now creating social network sites to feed their passion. Facebook have created a budget for teenagers with ideas of social network to come up and make their ideas into reality. This makes youth to take more risk and to take advantage on the world's population as success comes from risk and hard work.

But Facebook creation has influence students to drop out of school in order to reach their dreams this has made a problem because without education, youths will not be able to survive in the world as education is very important to people. Taking risk is indeed the way to go to reach your dreams, but without education youths will not know that sometimes taking risk will lead to failure, what will youths do when they have failed, without education they are not able to make smart risks and succeed in life. Education is very important and it is crucial to start young. Education is everywhere and available to anybody, but having education youths are young is easier for them to understand about the world as they are innocent and pure.

Facebook is not aiming for youths to drop out of school, but the way they target this youths is totally wrong. Facebook is still young and I don't blame them as they are not experience with such consequences, but I feel that Facebook will change and help youths with education to achieve their dreams by scholarships and other means to make them reach their dreams..


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