Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Starting Up: A Generation of Zuckerberg Wannabees

This article is about the young generation of web entrepreneurs. One of the example is Cyrus Pishevar, a 13 years old boy. He developed a Facebook application, High School Memories after seeing his friends "tagging" photos of each other on the website. He learn entrepreneurship from his father whom is the founder of five startups. Since young, he grew up with technology hence developing interest in technology too. 

Nowadays, youths are encouraged to take risk to forgo their education to pursue their dream of building a company. However, i personally feel that youths will not have sufficient experience or neither are they mature enough to manage a business. Starting a business might be easy, but managing it is a complicated process. As technology is improving, it is much easier to be a web entrepreneur. But i think that education should come first before everything. Thus, I would not encourage people to drop out of school to pursue their dream of being an entrepreneur. What if their careers did not take off after dropping out of school? In the end, they are sacrificing their education for an unrealistic dream.

-Agnes Ang 115905F


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